Do you know WHY the JUNE dress is special to me? Let me tell you…

I’ve been downsizing my closet for the past two years. I found that I owned lots of layers I wore under my clothes to keep warm in the winter. I also had a few dresses and several sweaters and jeans that did not necessarily compliment me. I felt that I did not have a “look” that made me feel confident and stylish. I found myself with a closet full of clothing but nothing to wear. I’m sure some of you can relate.

On the other hand, my husband has a limited amount of clothing that is organized, fashionable, and classic at the same time. He ALWAYS looks good in the clothes he wears and ALWAYS gets tons of compliments from both men and women. He never takes more than 30 minutes to get dressed. Even on days that he goes back and forth about what to wear he’s STILL dressed long before me. Hmm? I think it’s because his loving wife picks out most of his clothing and also tailors it to perfection. (Wink!)  

After much introspection I decided to mainly wear clothing I made because I know exactly what I want to look like. I like looking sophisticated and sexy, sometimes fun and flirty, while always feeling confident and chic. Every garment I design is deeply rooted in this ambition. The JUNE dress fits these requirements but goes a few steps further by having sentimental meaning as well.

JUNE is special to me because it’s made from several pairs of my husband and my old jeans. It also has pieces of an old handmade Panamanian Mola textile my mom gave me several years before her passing in 2010. I decided to piece together the different jean and Mola in patchwork form. I chose a Dior reminiscent cinched waist silhouette and full skirt that is shortened for a fun and flirtatious twist. I named this dress JUNE because that is my mom’s birth month as well as my wedding anniversary. In fact, I got married exactly on my mom’s birthday, June 1st, so she would always be part of our wedding day. And what a special day it was! There to share in my happiness were my extended parents, Nancy Kendrick and Peter Beatty, who have always been present for so many milestones in my life. Also standing strong that Friday afternoon in June were my 90s sisters from 134 Main Street.  

And that is why I love the JUNE dress. Do you have any item of clothing you find very special?